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I will be closed from 18th January till 21st February, bookings will fill up fast so please get in early for your new years readings.

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Hi welcome,  I’m Davina Morris. I’m passionate about my work, and love what I do.  I hope I can assist you in some area of your life.  For bookings, please click on the book online button and select an available time that’s convenient to you.


I believe we never know it all, we are all works in progress and every day we learn something different.  The Universe is our teacher.



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Click here to contact us by email.


Life isn’t always easy to navigate, and signposts can be very confusing.  That is where I come in, I work with spirit to bring guidance, motivation, and healing.

I am an International Clairvoyant who works with Tarot Cards to bring through guidance, motivation, direction and inspirational messages for you.  I am a Reiki Master and very experienced Spiritual healer.

I now work from home full time with Self Works, however I have spent 23 years in a highly stressed career that could be long hours and very demanding.  I understand the pressures of a career and the pressures we feel to get things right.  I am an honest real relatable person with a sense of humor, my clinic is client centered and I pride myself on responding to bookings or queries as soon as I can.  If you haven’t heard back from me within 24 hours, please check your spam folder.

Have a browse through my website, I look forward to meeting you.  I am available worldwide via Zoom / online.


Opening hours

Monday: Closed

Tuesday: Closed

Wednesday: noon – 930pm

Thursday: Closed

Friday: noon – 5pm

Saturday: 11am – 5pm

Sunday: Closed


Wade River Road
Arkles Bay
New Zealand


Wade River Road
Arkles Bay
New Zealand


Privacy Statement

We collect personal information from you, including your:

  • name
  • contact information
  • type of interactions with us

We collect your personal information in order for you to:

  • make online bookings or send an enquiry

Besides our staff, we share this information with:

  • no one.

Providing some information is optional. If you choose not to enter name & contact details, you will be unable to make an online booking.

You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you’d like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at  Click here to contact us by email.

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